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What is a Chiropractic AdjustmentA chiropractic adjustment is the skill of using a specific force in a precise direction, applied to a joint that is fixated, “locked up”, or not moving properly. This adds motion to the joint, helping the joints to gradually regain more normal motion and function. The purpose of this safe and natural procedure is to permit improved spinal function, improved nervous system function, and improved health. There are many ways to adjust the spine. Usually the chiropractor's hands or a specially designed instrument delivers a brief and highly-accurate thrust. Some adjusting methods are quick, whereas others require a slow, constant or indirect pressure. After years of university training and clinical experience, each chiropractor becomes highly skilled in the delivery of a variety of adjusting approaches.
Is Chiropractic Treatment Ongoing?The hands-on nature of the chiropractic treatment is essentially what requires patients to visit the chiropractor a number of times. To be treated by a chiropractor, a patient needs to be in his or her office. In contrast, a course of treatment from medical doctors often involves a pre-established plan that is conducted at home (i.e. taking a course of antibiotics once a day for a couple of weeks). A chiropractor may provide acute, chronic, and/or preventive care thus making a certain number of visits sometimes necessary. Your doctor of chiropractic should tell you the extent of treatment recommended and how long you can expect it to last. A new injury will typically take around 12 visits for pain and inflammation to subside. Care after the initial acute phase focuses on posture and spinal correction so the injury does not re occur and then we focus on providing care so pain and limited motion are not part of the norm.
Do Chiropractic Adjustments Hurt?This is probably one of the most commonly asked questions in our clinic, the good news is not only does it not hurt, some people find adjustments relaxing. The chiropractic adjustment is a quick force onto to the spine that does not hurt. The Stretch after the adjustment does not hurt however the muscle care/treatment before the adjustment may be uncomfortable depending how much scar tissue, inflammation is present in the muscle. Chiropractors use skill, not force or strength, to conduct a safe and effective adjustment.
What is the popping sound when a joint is adjusted?Adjustment (or manipulation) of a joint may result in the release of a gas bubble between the joints, which makes a popping sound. The same thing occurs when you “crack” your knuckles. The noise is caused by the change of pressure within the joint, which results in gas bubbles being released. There is usually minimal, if any, discomfort involved.
What results can you expect?If you're new to Chiropractic care, you'll want to know what type of result you can expect. Individual experience varies from person to person, but most people can expect some benefits soon after beginning care and for these to consolidate further as therapy continues. Statistically too, research shows that Chiropractic care is more effective and economical and also gives longer lasting results for disorders of the spine than other forms of health care
Do you need a referral to see a ChiropractorIn short no. Anyone can walk in to see the Dr. of Chiropractic without any referral However, if you want the Medicare Enhanaced Primary Care/ Chronic Disease Management 5 Free Sessions you have to visit the G.P.
What is the difference between Chiropractic and Physiotherapy?In understanding the difference between Chiropractic and Physiotherapy, we recommend referring to the definition of each practice. Chiropractic is a health care discipline based on the scientific premise that the body is a self-regulating, self-healing organism. The practice of Chiropractic focuses on the relationship between structure (primarily the spine, and pelvis) and function (as coordinated by the nervous system) and how that relationship affects the preservation and restoration of health. Physiotherapy, as described by the Australian Physiotherapy Association, “uses a variety of techniques to help your muscles and joints work to their full potential. It can help repair damage by speeding up the healing process and reducing pain and stiffness." Each individual is different and must make their own choice about the most appropriate method of care for them. We believe Chiropractic, with its central focus on the spine, nervous system and their impact on entire body provides a health care option that can help manage pain as well as assist in achieving optimal well-being.
How Much Does It Cost To Go To The Chiropractor ?New Patients! Everyday affordable price $75 We Deliver Health Care Differently 🎉We offer TOP quality health service whilst making it affordable for you and your family By combining Chiropractic, Massage, Dry Needling, and Cupping, we can help you achieve better Posture 🥳 Our New Patients have access to our exclusive online workshops- STAND CORRECTED- and to celebrate we are giving our new patients access to the first program- WELCOME TO CHIROPRACTIC- free with your exclusive code! ❌Bad posture has been linked to degeneration in the spine, Sciatica, Headaches, Poor quality sleep, and lack of energy Do you want to start your better health journey with Health Wise Chiropractic? Book now! How do we achieve top-quality service and keep it affordable? ✅Claim your health insurance on the day with our HICAPS Machine- less hassle for you means more time to go do those stretches! ✅ $57 for a standard consultation (under the recommended price set by Medicare) ✅ Booking Online 24-7 because life is hectic and you need flexibility! ✅ $20 off your 12th visit - Who doesn’t love a rewards program ?!? ✅ Chronic Pain/ Bad posture? Consider our wellness memberships that give you weekly or fortnightly care at over 20% discount- why live with pain when you can get relief ?🥰 ✅ NO GAP for Medicare, TAC, Workcover, or Department of Veteran Affairs patients- Amazing value 🤩Sometimes an adjustment isn’t enough as we carry all that stress on our shoulders and a lot of anger from life’s ups and downs in the glutes. So we have sessions that last from 10 to 90 minutes which can include Dry needling, Hot Stone Massage, and Cupping 🤤Over 50 hours of appointments available every week- With the two easy to get to locations, it's easy to get an appointment to suit your lifestyle (or work it around your Netflix binging) Returning Patients Everyday affordable price $57 This appointment is great for ✅ Regular sessions ✅ one to two health complaints (for example neck pain and shoulder pain) ✅ Posture Correction ✅ Spine-Focused Pain Bad Posture can lead to ❌Lack of energy- Our brains account for 20% of our daily energy expenditure, bad posture drains the brains energy leading to lack of focus, motivation and energy - Sound familiar? ❌ Digestive issues- Office workers and people who sit along time driving are prone to have bad posture leading to digestive issues as the bad posture can compress the organs ❌ Having your muscles in a compromising position lead to poor sleep, tossing and turning and unable to find a comfortable position, does this happen to you? ❌ Our Spines are built to absorb shock. Having bad posture can lead to degeneration and disc problems, last thing you want to do is fork our thousands on preventable surgery ❌ A common sign you have bad posture is you notice pain below the neck and around the tailbone after a long day at work - how many times have you had that feeling this week?
What Are The Conditions Chiropractors Treat?Neck Pain Neck Pain is one of the leading causes of pain and disability worldwide. Neck pain can be caused by - Loss of normal neck curvatures - Poor Posture (Forward head or Rounded Shoulders) - Tight Muscles in the Neck and Shoulders Text Next - are you spending more than 30 minutes a day on devices? Sitting Too Long - Do you sit for more than 6 hours a day? Neck pain in kids occurs in 1 in 4 children, worse with improper sitting, school furniture, too much homework, and difficulty viewing the classroom board 2. Headaches The top 3 Headaches are Migraines Tension Headaches Medication-induced Headaches 75% of MIGRAINE patients experience neck pain, stiffness, muscle tension, and jaw problems TENSION HEADACHES are from misalignments in the spine, and tight neck muscles, the irritated nerves send signals to the head and cause a tension headache. Headaches can affect up to 80% of teenagers ( due to poor posture, more than 30 minutes of screen time, and sitting over 6 hours a day) Another common headache is a cervicogenic Headache that has upper neck pain, one-sided pain that is nonthrobbing 3. Shoulder Pain 55% of the working population will have shoulder pain THIS YEAR! Risk factors for shoulder pain are - Repetitive Tasks - Prolonged Static Posture - Stress - Spinal Joint Fixations - Tight Muscles When the spine has altered curves, it leads to rotator cuff problems and leads to degenerative changes in the muscles and spine 4. Posture Correction Why do you need good posture? Poor posture can lead to -Headaches -Shoulder Pain -Low Back Pain -Problematic Sleep -Disc Problems in the spine -Degeneration in the spine -Muscle Pain Since the 90s muscle and spinal disorders have increased by 30% due to more and more jobs now being part of the service industry. 5. Low Back Pain 4 out of 5 people will develop Low Back Pain at some point in their life. 3 predictors of low back pain are: - limited lumbar lordosis (low back curve) - Reduced lateral flexion in the lower back - Restricted hamstring motion Low back pain is the MOST common pain syndrome A common source of pain is the LUMBAR FACET JOINTS. Nearly half of low back pain patients have problems with the facet joints. Inflammation generated by the degeneration of facet joints and surrounding tissues is believed to be a cause of local pain. 6. Hip Pain Common causes of hip pain are - Tendinopathy of the Glue Minimus Muscle. 50% of the hip pain is gluteal minimus symptoms. These include lateral hip pain, worse laying on the side in bed, increased pain going up or down stairs, and nighttime pain. Another cause of pain is ischiofemoral impingement syndrome This involves compression of the quads, hip abductor weakness, increased pain with weight bearing, snapping hip, and pain in the medial thigh. 7. Sciatica Sciatica originates in our lower back in the middle of the lumbar spine (lower back) It can give localised pain AND/OR pain and pins and needles to the buttocks and lower leg. Most of the pain is one-sided and patients often say the affected leg feels heavy. Most people are 30+ YEARS OLD 1 in 20 people will get sciatica this year with nearly 1 in 2, people will get sciatica in their lifetime Occupations that have been shown to increase the chance of sciatica - Machine operators - Truck Drivers - Jobs with awkward positions.
When Is Health Wise Chiropractic Open?Sunbury Office: Monday to Friday 9.30am until 7.00 pm Saturday 8.00 am until 12.00 pm Strathtulloh ( Melton ) Office: Tuesday and Thursday 7.00 until 8.00 pm Saturday Mornings
How Do I Know If I Need To See A Chiropractor ?Chiropractors make sure you have Optimal Posture so you have Optimal Spinal Hygiene. Signs you have bad Spinal Hygiene Headaches Neck Pain Dizziness and Vertigo forward leaning neck Pins and needles in the arms Shoulder pain Problems Breathing in and out Low back Pain Sciatica Hip Pain uneven balance Problems standing too long Pain getting up from the seated position Risk factors for bad Spinal Hygiene Sitting too long ( Max is 6hours allowed a day) Poor sleep ( are you getting your regular 8 hours a night ?) Bad Family genetics Improper work out routines technology use for more than 30 minutes a day repetitive movements at home or work Work lifestyle Slouching Sitting Cross legged Sleep on your stomach Sleep on more than 1 pillow Watching Tv for more than 12 hours a week Playing Video games for more than 12 hours a week Working from home and and doing paperwork on the couch -kitchen chair Carrying bags on one side Using technology to watch tv , read books in bed Having your wallet in the back of your pants Wearing Heals Family history of back pain Sugar in your diet Gluten in your diet Alcohol consumption Smoking drinking less than 2 litres of water a day High levels of stress High levels of anxiety Increased weight Rounded Shoulders Forward Neck Uneven Hips Knees not in the centre of gravity

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