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Neck Pain Relief  @ Your Local Chiropractor 

What is Neck Pain 

Neck Pain is one o

Naon Nyeri Beuheung


Nyeri beuheung mangrupikeun salah sahiji panyabab utama nyeri sareng cacad di dunya.


Nyeri beuheung bisa disababkeun ku

- Leungitna curvatures beuheung normal

- Sikep goréng (sirah maju atanapi taktak buleud)

- Otot Ketang dina Beuheung jeung Taktak


Text Next - naha anjeun nyéépkeun langkung ti 30 menit sadinten dina alat?


Linggih Panjang Teuing - Naha anjeun calik langkung ti 6 jam sadinten?


Nyeri beuheung di murangkalih lumangsung dina 1 tina 4 murangkalih, langkung parah ku diuk anu teu leres, parabot sakola, seueur teuing PR, sareng sesah ningali papan kelas.



Kumaha tim Chiropractic kami tiasa ngabantosan anjeun:


Dina Kaséhatan Wise Chiropractic ngaharepkeun handap pikeun pengobatan nyeri beuheung anjeun


Penilaian awal- Urang ningali sikep anjeun nganggo téknologi scan postur kami, pariksa tulang tonggong sareng sendi, sareng tingali upami ototna kedap atanapi lemah.


Teras we Saluyukeun sendi anu dipasang dina awak sareng ngalereskeun otot anu ketat kalayan terapi titik pemicu sareng téknik urut.


Hoyong inpormasi langkung seueur? Kami gaduh langkung ti 400 blog kaséhatan anu diterbitkeun AND CHIROPRACTIC ONLINE anu ngagaduhan langkung ti 20 otot gabungan sareng kaayaan tulang tonggong, naon masing-masingna, saran nutrisi, JEUNG peregangan otot pikeun anjeun tiasa nangtung DIBÉRÉK.


f the leading causes of pain and disability worldwide. 

Neck pain can be caused by 

- Loss of normal neck curvatures 

- Poor Posture (Forward head or Rounded Shoulders)

- Tight Muscles in the Neck and Shoulders 

Text Next - are you spending more than 30 minutes a day on devices?

Sitting Too Long - Do you sit for more than 6 hours a day?

Neck pain in kids occurs in 1 in 4 children, worse with improper sitting, school furniture, too much homework, and difficulty viewing the classroom board 

How our Chiropractic team can help you:

At Health Wise Chiropractic expect the following for the treatment of your neck pain 

An initial assessment- We look at your posture with our posture scan technology, check the spine and the joints, and see if the muscles are tight or weak. 

Then we Adjust the fixated joints in the body and fix the tight muscles with our trigger point therapy and massage techniques. 

Want more information? We have over 400 published health blogs AND CHIROPRACTIC ONLINE which has over 20 joint muscle and spinal conditions, what each of them is, nutrition advice, AND muscle stretch to get you able to STAND CORRECTED. 


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