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Melton Chiropractic Clinic- New Patient Offer

Welcome to Chiropractic! カイロプラクティックへようこそ!


3 つの短いウェルカムビデオを作成しましたので、カイロプラクターとの最初の 3 つの重要なセッションで何が期待できるかがわかります。

アザーストーン エステート (Strathtulloh/Cobblebank) 内に位置


最適な姿勢 = 脊椎の衛生



❌エネルギー不足 - 私たちの脳は 1 日のエネルギー消費量の 20% を占めており、姿勢が悪いと脳のエネルギーが消耗され、集中力、モチベーション、エネルギーの欠如につながります。

❌消化器系の問題 - オフィスワーカーや長時間座って運転する人は、悪い姿勢で臓器を圧迫する可能性があるため、悪い姿勢になりやすく、消化器系の問題を引き起こす可能性があります。



✅Struthtulloh/Melton にある Health Wise Chiropractic のチームがお手伝いできるかもしれません。 '


メルトンとその周辺地域(メルトン ウェスト、ストラストゥロー、クルンジャン、トゥーラン ベール、プランプトン、ブルックフィールド メルトン サウス、コブルバンク、ウィアー ビューズ、ソーンヒルパーク、アインズベリー、エイントリー、クルンジャン、ハークネス、ロックバンクなど)の患者様に当院が提供しているもの

We offer quality health service whilst making it affordable for you and your family


✅By combining Chiropractic, Massage, Dry Needling, and Cupping, we can help you achieve a better Posture


How do We achieve top-quality service and keep it affordable​

✅Claim your health insurance on the day with our HICAPS Machine- less hassle for you means more time to go do those stretches 

✅$57 for a standard consultation (under the recommended price set by Medicare, because in this era of financial pressures, we want to make sure health care is still affordable)

✅Booking Online 24-7 because life is hectic and you need flexibility!

✅$20 off your 12th visit - Who doesn’t love a rewards program ?!?

✅Chronic Pain/ Bad posture? Consider our wellness memberships that give you weekly or fortnightly care at over 20% discount- why live with pain when you can get relief 

✅Gap Free Chiropractic Adjustments for Medicare, TAC, Workcover, or Department of Veteran Affairs patients- We take the hassle out of your care plan by doing the claims for you and not charging you the gap for your Chiropractic Care.

✅Sometimes an adjustment isn’t enough as we carry all that stress on our shoulders and a lot of anger from life’s ups and downs in the glutes. So we have sessions that last from 10 to 120 minutes which can include Dry needling, Hot Stone Massage, and Cupping

✅ No surcharge for using Eftpos/Credit Card or for out-of-hours or weekend appointment

Over 50 hours of appointments available every week- With the two easy to get to locations, it's easy to get an appointment to suit your lifestyle (or work it around your Netflix binging)

9 Reasons to See a Chiropractor ​

✅25% of Australians suffer Low Back Pain on any day

✅50% of Australians suffered back pain last month- Health Wise Chiropractic wants to be part of the change that sees this number decrease!

✅People spend more on treatment for neck and back pain than treatments for diabetes and heart disease! 

✅Neck pain often leads to an average of 11 days a year lost at work-

✅Back pain reduces Australia's GDP by 3.2 billion per annum ( or roughly what Dr Julian spends on Chocolate)

✅Back pain is the leading cause of disability globally - more than 540 Million people are affected with their daily activities from putting socks on, putting dishes away, walking around the shops, and sitting to do their office job

✅92% of Health care costs were lower for health members whose pain was managed by Chiropractic care ( now that's a bargain if I saw one!)

✅The spinal column is the centre of human motion!


✅Chiropractic care provides better outcomes at a lower cost, leads to a reduction of the expenses of spinal surgery, and leads to a reduction in the need for and abuse of prescription drugs​

Melton Chiropractic Clinic Hours

Tuesday From 7.00 pm 

Thursday From 7.00 pm 

Saturday 8.00am until 11.00am 

Sunday  Appointment Only 

Monday to Friday 

9.30 am until 7.00 pm Sunbury Location 

Information about our privacy policy can be found here 


How to find us 

Melton/Strathtulloh Chiropractor

131 Wembley Avenue 

Strathtulloh- Melton

Ph: 03 9467 7889

Monday 7.00 Until 8.00pm

Tuesday 7.00 Until 8.00

Thursday 7.00 Until 8.00pm

Saturday 8.00am until Lunch 

Sunday Appointment Only 

Sunbury Chiropractor 

Shop 3/21 Dornoch Drive Sunbury Vic 3429

Ph: 039467 7889

Opening Hours:

Mon - Fri: 9.30 until 7.00pm

​​Saturday: 8.00am Until 12.00pm


Sunday: Home Clinic 

For Terms and Conditions click here 

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