Health Wise Chiropractic Privacy Policy
Health Wise Chiropractic si impegna a rispettare il Privacy Act del 1988 e gli Australian Privacy Principles del 2014.
La presente informativa sulla privacy coprirà tutte le informazioni personali in nostro possesso, ovvero informazioni o opinioni su un individuo, la cui identità è evidente o può essere ragionevolmente accertata da tali informazioni o opinioni. Ciò include le informazioni che abbiamo raccolto nelle nostre cliniche, al telefono e su Internet con i nostri social network su Facebook e Instagram.
Raccolta di informazioni
Quando raccogliamo informazioni personali da un individuo, ci assicureremo di farlo in modo corretto e di far sapere all'individuo dove e come contattare la nostra azienda. Raccogliamo solo le informazioni necessarie per il nostro trattamento e le nostre attività.
Consiglieremo gli individui sullo scopo per il quale viene raccolta la loro inflazione personale.
If we collect sensitive information (as defined under the act), we will treat it with a high level of security and confidentiality. WE will ensure that it is not collected for any purposes, other than those for which we have obtained written consent, unless the law requires otherwise, or other exceptional circumstances prevail as described under the act.
Where an individual chooses not to provide requested information, we will advise that individual of what consequences this non disclosure may have. An example is a cessation of care.
Disclosing Information : We will only disclose in accordance with the privacy act which may include
- For the purpose for which we have advised that we are collecting it, and for related purposes that the individual would reasonably expect,
- Where we have the consent of the individual to do so, or the individual has given consent at a third party like a lawyer,
- As required by law, or
- Under other circumstances where permitted under the act.
Opt Out
Health Wise Chiropractic will always provide will provide individuals with a nil cost way of contacting us to request an opt out opportunity in regards to receiving any product offers
Health Wise Chiropractic will monitor and implement appropriate technical advances or management process to safeguard personal information. All personal information are password protected on a secure cloud based database.
Review of Policy
This policy will be reviews from time to time and any amendments will be incorporated in the the updated policy.